Healthy Eating Tips During Thanksgiving

Healthy Eating Tips During Thanksgiving

By Ali Coster RD

Practice portion control instead of going for seconds (or thirds) then use leftovers for meal prep in the days to come

Turkey and wild rice soup

Turkey sandwiches/wraps using low carb options

Turkey hash with eggs

Don’t skip meals

Skipping a meal with the goal of saving calories prior to a holiday event can often backfire and lead to overeating due to ravenous feelings of hunger. Having a filling snack, such as fruit, string cheese, yogurt or a small handful of nuts, can help to curb your appetite and prevent overeating.

Contribute a healthy dish to the meal

Make sure you bring something nutritious to share. Think lean proteins and veggies… always a safe bet!

Visit people, not the food

Minimize time at the buffet or kitchen and spend that time socializing with family and friends.

Eat until you are satisfied not stuffed!

No one likes the feeling of a food coma. Eat slowly and check your fullness level while eating. Remember there are always leftovers.

Don’t feel guilty

If you did overindulge, don’t beat yourself up. Resolve to get back on track the very next meal. One “off” meal doesn’t overrule many days of healthy eating.

Plan to get some activity in during the day!

Go for a walk with someone special

Play outside with family/friends!

Engage in an indoor activity that requires movement (Hide-n-seek with the kids, Silly YouTube dance videos to burn off dinner, Nintendo Switch active games, etc.…)

Wishing you and your family a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!